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"New enlightenment"

Matrix created religion to separate people, to make them fight for their beliefs. The concept of religion should be uniting people and not separating them, but every main world religion has rules that people have to follow, somebody who tells them what they have to do, what's good and what's bad, and if they don't follow these rules they aren't perceived as good people. Creator didn't create religions or rules those religions dictate, Creator doesn't want wars in his name, this was all created by people. When people became aware of negative influence their religion has on them they wanted something else. So the matrix again created something to keep people occupied by putting the veil of deception over their eyes.

They introduced new terms which have become very popular among the masses. These new terms are actually the same old terms written and spoken a long time ago. The same thing only different packaging. People get trapped once again in the matrix. When the matrix or its creators saw that people no longer responds to their dogmas and "embedded beliefs" they found a way to regain people once again in the same way as with religion. And they have succeeded in their intentions. And now we have a lot of "enlightened" people who tells us what to do to become one of them but only if we follow their rules and different teachings contained in the books they write. How can anyone talk about the steps that we need to take to become "enlightened" as they are?

We don't need to do what they did, act like they did, perform rituals they suggest, have to attend their gatherings, buy their books, calm our mind, eat and drink "organic" food all just because we have to first clean our bodies, because otherwise we can't become enlightened and be like them, even though that's not our path. So tell us how can someone be "enlightened" and make profit out of their "enlightenment" at the same time? To avoid confusion there are good authors and good books but it's up to you to recognize or to discern who resonates with you. You don't have to be a guru, an ascended master, a yogi to gain more awareness, you don't even have to meditate if its not right for you. Its already in you, you already are a guru, a yogi, an ascended master, you just have to become aware of it. No one is better than you and no one is worse than you, we are all equal whether we want to admit it or not. Our souls are all equal and so are our physical selves.

Some of the more popular things recently are terms like ascension, symptoms of ascension and soul categorization. What if there is no such thing like soul ascension? Our souls are ascended, not in this third dimensional reality where we are humans but in the higher reality where our souls originated from.It's not important on which level our souls are because there is no categorization, its important the way we work together as one to make this world a better place and this planet happier then she is now. The most important thing in all this talk about ascension is that we live the way our true selves would want us to live. This is just a plea to all that see this, we wont preach, we wont try to change you, we wont try forcing opinions on you, and wont even try telling you what's right or wrong. All we want for people is to become more aware of themselves, aware of others around them, aware of what's happening in the world. Just stop and think for a moment, and ask yourself: is this right, do we really want to live like this, is there really nothing wrong with the world, will future really be any better, can we see a future where world is better?

Remember, the simplest way to rise in your spirituality is to become deeply aware of everything around us.

If we change our perspectives about the world around us, about people we interact with, about this living planet we are destroying, about our animal and plant family, then we truly ascend.

Just think about it ;)

In this video we try to show you a different view on enlightenment.

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